
Posts Tagged ‘passion’

The coolest thing about networking is that we get to see firsthand the power of the concept of six degrees of separation! I met guest blogger Laura via someone I met at networking event in 2014! As I got to know Laura, I became fascinated by everything she had going on in her businesses and in her leadership role in the local community. Laura inspires me so much through her ability to say YES! and to live life to the fullest through following her dreams and passions. Thank you Laura for sharing your amazing enthusiasm and love for making a positive impact in our world!
  1. Having Infinite Possibilities

As an entrepreneur, my vision will determine how large my business idea grows. The only limitations are the ones I put on myself by not thinking big enough. Being an entrepreneur has opened my mind to think in terms of possibilities! I get to ask myself “How?” when faced with challenges, and seize new opportunities when they arise. Coming from an attitude of “What’s possible?” has benefited my personal relationships as well. There’s also no ceiling on your income when you own your own business!

  1. Controlling My Time

I’m so grateful to be able to choose how I spend my time each day. I love building my businesses while balancing time with my family and having fun. My shop, The Experience Ink: Tattoo & Smoke Shop, is close by if I’m needed there. These days I’m spending most of my time at my new restaurant, Tlayuda L.A. and love learning a new business! It’s so much fun getting to know our customers and introducing new people to Oaxacan Mexican food.W1

  1. Being My Own Boss

An entrepreneur’s success is based on her efforts! To be successful in my day-to-day activities, I’m growing my leadership abilities in managing my employees. A significant growing opportunity was training someone to take over my day-to-day operations of The Experience Ink so I could start Tlayuda L.A. Every day I become a more effective leader of others and myself.11836766_999984993357169_8097951033883481873_n

  1. Living My Passion

I’ve always been passionate about giving the best possible customer experience. It doesn’t matter what business I’m in – I love to make someone’s day more positive. Now I’m able to share my passion every day through so many different avenues of business! It’s really true how when you love what you do, it’s not work!

  1. Having a Creative Outlet

I feel so fortunate in getting to express my creativity through my businesses. Social media marketing is one of the main areas where I let my imagination flow. I get to tap into my artistic creativity from designing the next special of the week in my tattoo shop to staging a mouth-watering photo of my restaurant’s latest dish.1613936_1013917561963912_2565506408094794608_n

  1. Creating Jobs in My Community

I have always cared about my family and my community and I’m continually looking for more ways to give back. As an entrepreneur, my businesses now employ ten people. That’s ten families who now have a steady income source providing for their daily needs! What a privilege!

  1. Supporting Other Entrepreneurs

I love connecting with other like-minded people. I’ve been hosting an entrepreneur Meetup called Free Business Tips at the Experience Ink in Mission Hills for the past two years. We’ve built a great community of small business owners that encourage each other, provide resources and assistance, plus masterminding and feedback opportunities. We always welcome people who have never owned a business before and it’s so rewarding to watch them succeed! I also have so many great friends and business partners I met from my Meetup!

  1. Industry Innovation

Innovation comes from being open to new ideas from products to customer service. My focus is always on enhancing the customer’s experience. Along with incorporating new ideas, I also set my own standard of excellence for each company. I’ve found that setting my own bar in each industry builds our brand’s reputation and grows our raving customer base.

  1. Being Open to Change

My passion is creating the best customer experience. One way I do that is by listening to my customers’ desires or challenges and then striving to fulfill that need. Changes can trigger fear in many people and the fear alone keeps many people from becoming an entrepreneur.  Spending money on a new marketing campaign, investing in a new product or firing an employee is scary. However, as a business owner, I have to trust myself to make the decision and push through the fear. Introducing new ideas has led to many successes both in business and in my personal life. Who Moved My Cheese is an excellent story about adapting to life’s changes. There’s a twelve-minute animated video that shares the whole story and the short book is worth reading many times. I am constantly learning, re-evaluating and striving to implement positive changes quickly to continually grow my all businesses.

  1.  Growing Myself

My 10th reason I’m grateful for being an entrepreneur has to do with who I become in the process of building my businesses. Each business started as just an idea in my mind and now they are built and I get to see them expanding every day. I understand more and more how each business and I are connected. I find that the more I better myself, the more successful my businesses become as well.  After I took the PSI Basic Seminar in personal growth and success, I improved my awareness and added tools that I use daily in every business and my life. In fact, opening my restaurant was one of the results I created after that class! The Experience Ink and Tlayuda L.A. are merely the first of many businesses where I create an amazing experience for every customer!



About Laura

Laura Guerrero owns Tlayuda L.A. Mexican Restaurant and The Experience Ink Tattoo and Smoke Shop. Tlayuda L.A. brings together the Oaxacan flavors with a contemporary twist – it’s not your traditional Mexican restaurant. It’s located at 5450 Santa Monica Blvd in Los Angeles, two blocks off the 101 freeway at Western Avenue. The Experience Ink is located at 15534 Devonshire Ave in Mission Hills at the 405 freeway and Sepulveda. There’s a team of talented tattoo artists plus a retail smoke shop with a great selection of vaporizers, hookahs and much more. ExperienceVape.com is her successful eCommerce vaping website for the smoke shop. Laura lives in the San Fernando Valley with her family and enjoys going to art shows, meeting new people and sharing delicious meals with great conversation.

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lorien in the studio with fire seriesIn my outdoor studio with my new Fire Series in the works, (l-r) Fire II, Fire III, Fire I ©LEAD

WHO IS YOUR MUSE?  Where do you find your inspiration?  What inspires YOU?  Where to start?  I recently was chatting with a woman at an event I was at, she told me that her challenge with creativity is where to get ideas.  Hmmmm.  She asked me about where I get my ideas and how it all starts for me.  Well… that question is one of my favorites to reflect upon as I am regularly inundated with yummy inspiration, a flood of ideas and stimulation emerging from both within and without.  The early stage of the creative process is for me often my favorite, although the entire journey of the creative process is exciting and enjoyable.  I wrote a bit about my creative process in my last post, Trust and the Creative Process

Fire 1Fire ceremony ©Photo LEAD

pele goddessPele~ Hawaiian Goddess of Fire

Inception of an idea can start anywhere, for example, a hunch, a whisper, a dream, a conversation, an image, a word, a glance, the options are endless really.  To illustrate, I will refer to my latest inspirations for my new Fire Series, as past of my Elements Collection.  From water came fire for me and it was (and tends to be) a spiral-like journey, vs. a straight line.  My initial interactions with the element of Fire was ignited strongly whilst on the Big Island last year when I spent time in meditation, retreat and ceremony with Pele, the Hawaiian Goddess of the Volcanoes while at the Kalani Retreat CenterPele grabbed me and I have been under her tutelage as my main Muse through this moment as I continue to create my new Fire paintings.  Pele urges us to follow our passion… what’s yours?  Are you following your passion?

fire 2Pele flowin’ on the big island of Hawaii ©Photo by MaKia

Fire I in processExcerpt of Fire I in process, 3’X4′, Mixed Media on Canvas ©LEAD

kilauea volcanoKilauea, Hawaii

Kilauea is the most active volcano in the world. The Hawaiian mountain has been steadily flowing since 1983! That makes it one of the most long-lived eruptions known on Earth.

I look forward to sharing more about the journey into the Fire as I roll out my paintings one by one over the next few weeks, sharing the story and artwork here and on my website.  Stay tuned and in the meantime, there is a wonderful NEW art show where I am showing the paintings below at,  MUSE: The Art of Transformation and Healing.
Cosmic XCosmic X, 9X12 inches, Mixed Media on Paper ©LEAD

EckBLagoon Nebula III, 12X16 inches, Mixed media on paper ©LEAD

MUSE flyerCurated by Art 4 All People

June 28 – September 28, 2014

Commonweal Gallery, a nonprofit health and environmental research institute
451 Mesa Rd. Bolinas, CA 94924

Opening Reception and Arts and Healing Festival
Saturday, July 12th from 1:00 pm – 6:00pm

The Opening Event Line-Up

Closing Reception
Saturday, September 27th, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

All are welcome! 

Thank you for reading and I invite you to share your contributions via comments and connections and would love to hear from you via this blog, my face book page, or email lorien@lorieneck.com.

In love, gratitude and beauty…

Lórien Signature fuschia_small


“Art has the power to heal.” ~ Lórien


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