
Posts Tagged ‘reiki’

What is Reiki?

“Just for today do not worry. Just for today do not anger. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Show gratitude to everything.”


Dr. Mikao Usui, founder of Reiki


Dear Reader,

Today I am inspired to share about a natural system of healing called Reiki.  Reiki healing is a useful, simple and relevant tool for self-healing as well as healing, creating inner peace and therefore, contributing to outer peace in modern times. In this blog post I am happy to share my story of Reiki and what Reiki is and how it is a wonderful tool that has stood the test of time.  In my next blog post I will be sharing about Reiki classes and how to become your own self healing dynamo. 

My Reiki Story

I discovered Reiki through Awakenings bookstore in Laguna Hills, CA in the year 1995. I participated in a group Reiki circle (or Reiki share as they can be called as well). The experience was so profound that I took a Reiki I training earning a certificate in February 1996. I became Reiki II certified in July 1996 and then became Reiki II Master Teacher certified in January 1998.

Throughout those three years I provided Reiki sessions and eventually taught Reiki I and II classes in Laguna Beach, CA in 1998 until I moved to upstate New York. I continued to offer Reiki I and II classes, as well as certified several Reiki III Master Teachers. both in New York and here in California.  Reiki has continued to be a self-healing modality that I practice on myself, my loved ones (both in person and distance healing). Reiki is incorporated as a foundational element in all of my creations, paintings and Soul Cosmology Paintings commissions.  Presently, I am happy to be offering Reiki sessions, both in person, Distance sessions and small group Reiki Level I and II trainings/classes.  Intrigued so far?  Let’s continue on the healing journey and discover more about Reiki.

Reiki History

Reiki was founded by Dr. Miako Usui, of Japan, in the early 1900s. Dr. Usui developed the energy practice of Reiki in order to contribute to the healing process at the physical and emotional levels.

He found inspiration and purpose in the exploration of a method that would allow him to tap into the energy that supplies all of life, the force of energy that makes plants grow and human’s develop, in order to restore imbalances in the living systems within living beings; including people, animals and plants.

He realized he needed to find a way to do this without depleting his own internal stores of energy or taking on any negative energy released from blockages within the individual’s he would come to facilitate healing.
Over several generations since Dr. Usui’s formalized the system of energy healing that came to be known as Reiki, the lineage of healers, often referred to as “grandmasters”, eventually began to share their insights with the Western world. 

What Does the Word Reiki Mean?

The word Reiki (pronounced ray-key) also traces back to Japanese origins with the word Rei meaning “wisdom from the source or higher power” and the word Ki meaning “Life Force Energy”. Together, Reiki is loosely defined as, “life force energy guided by spirit”. Simply,  
REI – The Universal Energy  KI- All that is.

What is Reiki Healing Energy?

Reiki is a non-invasive healing process, involving a trained and attuned Reiki practitioner whom uses a technique of “laying on of hands” in order to guide what is referred to as “universal life force energy”, in an effort to promote healing through the mind-body-spirit connection that resides in each of us.

Reiki is based on the belief that life force energy flows through each of us at all times. If a person’s energy flow is blocked, it is regarded that this may be a contributing factor to the outcome of a stagnant or low, sick or stressed individual.

When energy within and around us is able to flow without blockage, we are more likely to feel happy and healthy. Essentially, this ancient healing practice can be thought of as an “energy transference” from the practitioner bringing Life Force Energy to the recipient, creating a feeling of peace and relaxation.  It’s helpful to visualize Reiki’s healing energy as being within and around you at all times. We are surrounded by energy all the time. Therefore, you are surrounded by potential Reiki energy right now; if you desire to tap in to it in order to help heal yourself or other’s you just have to tap into it!

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki practitioners act as a conduit between you and the source of the universal life force energy. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands to you.

The recipient determines the energy flow from the practitioner’s hands by taking only what they need.

Benefits of Reiki:

• Reduces stress
• Increases calm and relaxation
• Releases scattered, running, thoughts from the mind, truly letting go of worry & stress
• Overall amplification of empowerment
• Increases inner peace, beyond the end of a session
• Soothes a crying baby
• Calms a nervous animal or pet
• Helps people with chronic illness, including those suffering from both emotional & physical pain
• Some consider Reiki to be a point of ‘awakening’ or ‘evolution’ to a better state of being
• Helps people develop towards experiencing the joys of life “in the moment”
• Learn to heal yourself, as well as other living beings
• Improve the health and well being of your family and humanity

Can Reiki replace traditional treatments?

No. Reiki treatment should not be used as a substitute for the consultation of a physician or a psychotherapist.
“Reiki complements other types of medical and therapeutic treatments, and it can increase the efficacy of other types of healing.  If you’re already in good health, though, regular Reiki treatments can enhance your ability to respond to stress and serve as a form of preventive medicine.

Is Reiki a Religion?

The question of ‘is Reiki a religion’ is one that comes to mind for some folks who have no fully explored what Reiki really is all about. There is no affiliation with any church or religious set of beliefs, in regards to Reiki. It is open to beings of all beliefs systems and backgrounds. Reiki is simply a system of energy healing that was created to improve the lives of all.

How to Activate Reiki Energy?

If you are receiving Reiki energy during a treatment from a Reiki practitioner, then you do not need any prior training yourself. The basis of all matter is energy. Every person, animal and plant is composed of energy. Therefore, anyone may receive the healing benefits of Reiki without any prior training.

Reiki Session Cost?

There is not one set rate for a Reiki treatment as each practitioner determines his or her own fees in exchange for a healing service. Contact me using the Contact Form below for Reiki Session/s. Package Pricing Available

What to Expect During a Reiki Session?

Reiki treatments typically last about 50-60 minutes. During a session, you’ll lie on a massage table fully clothed, as your Reiki practitioner gently places their hands, palms down, on or just above your body in specific energy locations. They use a series of 12 to 15 different hand positions.

The length of time that the practitioner leaves their hands in each position is determined by the flow of energy through their hands at each location.  Reiki differs from other touch therapies in that there is no pressure, massage or manipulation involved.

Distance Reiki

I am trained in providing distance Reiki healing sessions, an incredible option to receive all the benefits of Reiki healing from the comfort of your own home. With distance sessions you will check-in with your practitioner via phone or video at the start, then simply relax and accept the energy being sent your way, with a debriefing either virtually or by phone at the close of your distance healing session.

Distance Reiki healing sessions can be done from any geographical location as we utilize the “Distance Symbol” which allows the healing energy to be sent across any span of time or distance. Clients in-person and distance both report gaining the same benefit from a Reiki healing session.

  • Reiki can be sent over any geographic distance- reaching individuals in others states and countries.
  • Reiki energy can be sent back in time to help in healing past issues,
  • and even aid in healing our past lives.
  • Reiki energy can move forward in time- like stored energy (think batteries) to aid individuals for upcoming events, or periods of life further on the horizon.
  • Reiki can be sent to large groups all at the same time
  • Reiki can also be sent to other dimensions.

I am happy to offer individual Reiki healing sessions in person, on site (travel within 15 miles of Laguna Niguel) or Distance healing sessions to anywhere in the world through the magic of technology. 


Thank you for reading and following along on this journey with me. Feel free to comment below and connect with me via social media or better yet, share and subscribe to this blog and my art newsletter to stay in touch and be the first to know about my art announcements and in real life events.


In love, gratitude and beauty…

Lórien Signature fuschia_small

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Happy New Moon Monday all!  I met John in Northern New York where I worked and studied for my M.Ed. degree from St. Lawrence University, a beautiful country setting along the US-Canadian border.  Knowing and witnessing John evolve and grow over the years has been such an inspiration to me! I had the pleasure and privilege to teach Reiki to John and his mom Diane, as well as support John in becoming a Reiki Master Teacher.  He is a gifted healer and wise beyond his years, if you are in the SF Bay Area and require a transformative healing session, I highly recommend John, his hands are angelic, intuitive and compassionate beyond words.  A hearty thank you John for an inspired blog post!


I was recently asked: What inspires you?

I have to admit…it’s a somewhat difficult question… but not for the reasons one might think. It’s not that I have difficulty finding inspiration; in fact it’s much the opposite! There are SO MANY sources of inspiration for me I don’t even know where to begin! The world is filled with so much beauty, so much love, and so much joy, if we just open our eyes and hearts to see and feel it!

Personally, one of the biggest inspirations for me is when I see other people living their truths, and creating the lives they want to live! I’ve had, and have SO many amazing people in my life! My mother Diane was one of the biggest inspirations in my life! Although she passed on over a decade ago, her memory continues to inspire me. She was a loving, kind person, who would not speak down to anyone, but would speak out and stand against injustice, with such a HUGE heart, that she would always give to those in need, if she could, while keeping just enough for herself! As a result, I have never felt *poor* no matter how few material comforts I have.

mom DianeMy mom Diane on her wedding day.

I’ve been inspired by many others, including my friend Relani, who helped me to see myself as whole and beautiful as I am at a young age, helping me be comfortable with myself as a queer and gender fluid person. Through Relani I was introduced to Lórien!  Seeing all the beauty Lórien has put out into the world through her art, her organizations that give back to communities in need, and the healing work she does has propelled me down a path of not only self-healing, but the healing of others and the planet! From her I learned Reiki, and was introduced to MANY other amazing spiritual and inspirational people! Today I am working as a Massage Therapist helping people ground and heal their bodies with manual manipulation and Reiki, as well as teaching about plant-based nutrition, juice fasting/cleansing and detox, as well as working for human rights issues, and protections for animals and the planet!

reiki hands image

This brings me to something else that inspires me: Gratitude. Whenever I see people giving thanks for the things they have, especially those who have little, inspires me to feel grateful for all I have, and reminds me that I’m here for a purpose, which is to share my Light and Uniqueness with the world, and add to the collective healing of our planet and all its inhabitants! Having and expressing gratitude every day brings more abundance and beauty into my life, as the focus gets shifted from *not having* to being truly *rich*! Even though I don’t focus on material wealth, I’ve found the more I express gratitude, the more I receive the things I need and desire. The law of attraction is very powerful and can give us everything we need, if we are grateful, and open to receive!


There are so many other people in my life who inspire me on a daily basis: I could go on and on! I recently was introduced to an amazing spiritual man who has become my mentor, helping me with self-care (something we healers often forget about in our passion to help others). Because of his support I am now actualizing my dreams and moving forward at lightning speed after a few years of struggle, and am now creating new and amazing things! He continues to inspire me to challenge myself, and work through the difficult times with great joy in my heart, and with Love!

DanawithMissLoveDana and John

I’m inspired by my friend Dana Morrigan who has chosen to live her life authentically, and also hosts karaoke in the SF Bay Area, which is therapy for me. When I’m feeling stressed or down, there is little that can inspire me to great joy more than belting out one of my favorite tunes, while being surrounded by other folks who are also expressing their loving authentic selves in silly, serious, and playful ways!

karaokeJohn singing at Dana’s karaoke event

JezebelDelilahLove(Photo credits to  Nye Lyn Tho http://nyelyntho.com/ )

Although I have not formally met her in person, I feel incredibly inspired by my Facebook friend, Jezebel Delilah X (Vanessa Rochelle Lewis) who shares so much Love, insight, and truth, with such a degree of vulnerability and authenticity, she makes me want to do the same. I learn so much reading all of her insightful posts. She truly is a real life Magickal Mermaid Goddess, sending out waves of Love on a daily basis, showing me what true beauty really is!


NatureGorgeous Nature

I’m also greatly inspired by Nature having grown up in rural upstate New York. I love getting out and exploring the forest, going to healing hot springs, and immersing my body in the waters of Life; whether it be in a lake, river, or the beautiful ocean, for which as a Pisces, I am grateful to be living within sight of, from my bedroom window, just a short trip away! I always feel the most whole when I am surrounded by trees and plants away from the din of the city. It’s what balances and grounds me, helping to reset while living in a heavily populated city can be a bit chaotic at times, but still full of Love and amazing beings!  Going on a hike, alone or with friends is truly a walking meditation, as I connect deeply with all the wild plants and animals around me, and realize that I too am a part of nature, not separate, but one with!

healthynutrMy home fridge filled with all of my fave fresh, organic fruits and veggies

Seeing other people make positive changes in their lives also inspires me! I’ve had so many friends recently decide that it was time to no longer just sit and wait for things to happen, but actually get up and put the effort into making their goals and dreams come to fruition! Sometimes it’s something very small, for example, going to bed at a certain time to be well-rested, or practicing daily meditation, even if it’s just for five or ten minutes a day, or once a week with in a group setting. The point is, these people have started making changes, and working towards their goals, even if with baby steps. Seeing this, and the eventual fruition of some of these goals is extremely inspirational to me, which proves that I too, can achieve my goals, even if I need to start small and take things moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day and so on! There is so much Light and Beauty, and Abundance in the world for everybody! We just must take that baby step, and start healing ourselves, and manifesting our realities. I was touched and honored last week when Lórien asked me to be a part of this blog, having been inspired by something I had written. Even just doing this guest blog has inspired me to create my own blog on healing, healthy food, spirituality, joy, and creating the Lives we want, while being authentic and loving to ourselves!

With so many sources of Love, Creativity and Joy everywhere, how can I not be inspired?

John Bio pic 1

~ ~ ~ ~

John Graves has been practicing massage therapy, Reiki and energy work for more than ten years, having received his training at Sonoma College (formerly Western Institute of Science and Health) in San Francisco, under the tutelage of many wonderful teachers with varied backgrounds in many massage modalities, acupuncture, chiropractics, yoga, eastern thought, and natural healing!

John has received over 735 hours of training in advanced massage therapy, including Swedish massage, deep tissue, reflexology, energy work, pregnancy massage, pre- and post-event sports massage, and triggerpoint therapy. He is initiated and ordained into the Essene Way, studying Essene Mystical healing techniques and meditation and continues to study other styles of massage and healing work, including nutrition, herbal medicine, meditation and yoga, and looks forward to branching out into many different healing modalities.

***CAMTC Certified as an Advanced Massage Therapist in the State of California, ABMP Insured

Massage and Reiki With John: http://johngraves.massagetherapy.com

His blog can be found at: https://peacelovefoodbliss.wordpress.com/



Connect With Dana Morrigan: https://danamorrigan.wordpress.com/

Swim With Jezebel Delilah X at: http://www.jezebeldelilahx.com



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IMG_1468 Shanti and Angel sunning!  ©LE Photo

 I have had the honor and privilege of loving, receiving unconditional love and caring for two animals that are to me, basically, people. 🙂  These two earth angels came into my life in about 11 and 8 years respectively.  Shanti is now 14 years old and the mother of Angel, who is now 8.  They were both born in Hollywood California, and the story is quite like a storybook fairy tale.  I adopted Shanti at the age of 3 and she has been my constant companion and my beloved soul mate, in the form of a fuzzy critter!  She is my love and has been with me through thick and thin!  We have climbed many hills in the LA canyons and enjoyed many sunsets together!   Angel was born into a litter of 3 and was adopted by my parents.  These two puppies have given me and my family such joy, laughs and comfort throughout the years.  The two of them are soul mates to each other as well!

IMG_5877Shanti and Angel going on a field trip to the beach! ©LE Photo

Furry animals of all breeds are truly givers of unconditional love and have much to teach us humans, in my humble opinion.  I am forever indebted to  Shanti and Angel for their sweet licks, happy faces, silly antics and adorable little behaviors that are unique to each of them.  I know that many of you reading this would agree with me about the JOY that animals bring us and how the love from a dear animal is so precious and priceless.  So many of us are animal lovers and honestly I would have to say that 99.99999999% of my friends, family and acquaintances are pet parents.  Are you?  🙂

I feel so lucky and am even more lucky to be able to support a wonderful animal rescue organization in Southern California called the Modjeska Ranch Rescue (MRR).  MRR is a non-profit rescue organization based in south Orange County, California and operates as an all-volunteer rescue dedicated to finding great homes for neglected and abandoned animals.

art&wine animal**Due to an overwhelming response so far, the location has been changed to:  The Modjeska Park 28891 Modjeska Road

The organization was founded by Russell and Teresa Taylor in 2001. They opened the door of their heart to helping the helpless and ended up opening up their home for abandoned animals. Since 2001 this couple, in tandem with community support, have placed more than 6500 animals into new homes. The success rate of this rescue is amazing.

I will be there with original paintings, limited edition fine art giclées, fine art gifts and more!  The event title is “Healing Hearts” and it’s true, adopting a pet heals their hearts and brings us lasting joy, comfort, peace and the unconditional love that we all desire.  We will   raising funds for this amazing non-profit under a canopy of oak trees surrounded by nature’s beauty.  All are welcome and I cordially invite you and your loved ones! Feel free to check out their website to learn more about the Modjeska Ranch Rescue.   See you there!

IMG_0487Shanti my love bug! ©LE Photo

Thank you for reading and I invite you to share your contributions via comments and connections and would love to hear from you via this blog, my face book page, or email lorien@lorieneck.com.

In love, gratitude and beauty…

Lórien Signature fuschia_small

 Recommended Resources

Modjeska Ranch Rescue
edicated to finding homes for neglected and abandoned animals.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use


“Art has the power to heal.” ~ Lórien


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awaken_nourish_logo“Art has the Power to Heal.” ~ Lórien 

 As my friend Choury says, “the awakening process requires letting go and takes time but well worth it!”.  My spiritual journey certainly has been a process of discovery and I have experienced several awakening experiences which have certainly taken time and letting go.  What I do know is that it has has all been worth it and as I continue on this journey of awakening, I have learned that nourishing the Self plays a big role.

What pray tell is nourishment and what is nourishing to my Spirit, to me as the whole BEing and how can I provide this nourishment to myself, thus to others on a consistent basis?  These key questions guide me on my quest of self-fulfillment and self-love.  Many of my teachers in this life have expressed this vital element of nourishment in a variety of language and methods.  For example, as a Raja yoga practice, I was taught that nourishment takes the form of self-remembering that I AM a peaceful soul, my true essence is Eternal, Immortal, Light.  Cass Phelps of Awake One shares that nourishment comes in the form of discovering one’s gifts, receiving those gifts and then sharing them with our world.  As a student and teacher of Reiki I have learned that nourishment is received as embracing the Reiki principles:

The secret art of inviting happiness
The miraculous medicine of all diseases
Just for today, do not anger
Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
Pray these words to your heart
and chant these words with your mouth
Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
The founder , Usui Mikao

And, so as I continue on in awakening and nourishing, I have opened my personal journey up in offering my gifts and inquiry through my art and teaching.  In 2012 when I was making my career transition and launching my professional art career and new website, naturally the tag line was, “Art to Awaken Your Heart, Nourish Your Spirit“. This came through very organically for me as I was “brainstorming” this and creating my new material.  Two years later, I am happy to offer classes and workshops with this theme and focus.  It is a very rich topic for me, one which I explore daily through my art making and creative living as an artist and educator.  I am pleased to announce my public workshop event on June 8 at the Temple of Light in Southern California where we will explore this topic together through painting and community.Lorien Eck flyer image PR-June 8

On May 3 at the Temple of Light, I will be giving a brief talk called “Awaken Your Heart, Nourish Your Spirit“, at the monthly Holistic Health Fair in the Crystal Cave 1:50 – 2:20 pm.  I also have a booth at the fair where I will be available to chat and am offering my fine art gift items and original paintings.  I am also happy to offer a promotional price, even below the Early Bird Special for those register for this workshop event with me at this event!  Looking forward to seeing you there!

Hollistic Healing Flyer new printable

Thank you for reading and I invite you to share your contributions via comments and connections and would love to hear from you via this blog, my face book page, or email lorien@lorieneck.com.

In love, gratitude and beauty…

Lórien Signature fuschia_small

Personally Experienced and Recommended Resources

Temple of Light

An amazing and unique center offering a host of services to spiritual seekers and holistic healers in South Orange County, CA.

Quantum Meditation and Transformation

Choury DeVelle Bsc, CHt., NLP is a great life coach, healer and practitioner of his craft.


Cass Phelps is an amazing individual and his inspired body of work and offerings have been a phenomenal resource for me! His work is comprehensive, relevant and rich…I am eternally indebted to my teacher Cass.

The Power Path

The monthly forecast from these amazing folks is an invaluable tool.


Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga meditation redefines the self as a soul and enables a direct connection and relationship with the Supreme Source of purest energy and highest consciousness.


The divine is not something high above us.
It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us.~  Morihei Ueshiba


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