
Posts Tagged ‘etsy’

treeRooted Tree Branching Up ©LE Fine Art (photo) 2013

Happy February~ Happy V~Day!

Today I begin to slowly take on my personal “manifesta”.  It is in part inspired by the Mercury Retro Cycle, February 2014, as well as the turn of our annual cycle, and more I am sure!

And, while I am applying this astro cycle’s principles to my practice, (take any word and add the prefix RE) i.e. review, redo, remember, re, re, re…. this whole lifestyle re-vamp started to kick in consciously for me after the turn of the year, Jan. 2014 when I was camping in the jungle off the grid for 1 month…… 🙂  It wasn’t about quantity of time, but the quality~ time spent in reflection, and in forgiveness; a time of  healing the heart, the mind and the Spirit in nature.  It was a very cathartic transition time for me and now that I am back in my so-called “normal” existence (NOT!), I am in the sensitive integration leg of the journey.  This stage takes time, care, attention, love, patience, understanding… because the reality is that my life has changed, I have changed.

What exactly is my Manifesta?  It is one way that I am integrating and responding to my inner-world changes and how to interface with the outer world.  The overarching themes  are very “RE” oriented.  Reduce, reuse, recycle, reinvent… basically, less consumption and more creativity with what I already have.

Here’s #1 of my Manifesta:

1. Re-view aspects of lifestyle.
a. What I wear on my body.
-where it was made (country)
-what it is made from (textile)
-brand (that’s a whole other story!)

This is a big one for me.  Even to the point of my life’s passion/calling.  From an early early age, I have been obsessed with my clothing, with textiles and with putting outfits together!  I even won an award in high school for what else, “Clothing”.  Yes! So this topic runs deep!

So, one of my recent activities has been (without judgment) to examine at every piece of clothing I have and assess the following: textile, country of manufacture, and company of manufacture.  I am keeping a record and the stats are not that startling, yet conclusive to the fact that I am making HUGE changes.  1st choice that I have made is to cease buying any new clothing items. Period.  One could call this practice simplifying, yet it is and so much more.  It’s also what I like to call the “RE-forestation” of  a lifestyle that has lived in an urban region for some time.

My Manifesta envelopes all aspects of my life, from what I value, to how I spend my valuable time, my relationships, my living and “work” environment, and of course, my stuff.  We all have our stuff and even  after a home relocation in 2012, when I donated much of my stuff, there is still more!  The stuff I am referring to now, fits into the childhood, sentimental category.  And, at the end of the day, it is still stuff.  And, so the process of elimination goes on.  All is being put through this ‘RE’ process, the RE-zoning and RE-inventing myself in an ever-changing world stage.  One thing I have come to learn is that when the feeling of overwhelm settles in, that’s the sign to eliminate and to simplify, to let go as easily and gracefully as possible whatever is there and to create clean, fresh space.

My Manifesta is an ongoing process and contains many layers.  It is a slow, step-by-step, year-long project and focus that I know will yield results and allow me to manifest my dreams.

Thank you for reading and I invite you to share your contributions via comments and connections and would love to hear from you via this blog, my face book page, or email lorien@lorieneck.com.

In love, gratitude and beauty…

Lórien Signature fuschia_small

Personally Experienced and Recommended Resources

Mystic Mamma

This is a great resource for astro wisdom, cosmic consciousness and mamma-ness.  This link is especially illuminating in terms of

Mercury retrograde, February 6-28, 2014

The Power Path

The monthly forecast from these amazing folks is an invaluable tool.

Slow Fashioned Blog

Fabulous resource for the curious, courageous and committed co-creative consumer!  I challenge you to take the Pledge!

One Dress Protest

One woman’s inspiration, in her words, “to figure myself out in the complex and oftentimes disconcerting world of clothes

and outward appearance.”  Excellent inspiration for me!



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